Whole Supp Blog
We work with leading experts in the fields of nutrition, science, medicine, and wellness to develop our Smart Food Formulation.

Going Plant Based 🌱
The Hows & Whys of Going Plant-Based -
Are you interested in the benefits a plant-based diet can have for you and the planet? Why should you cons
Mar 15, 2022• -- 6 minute read

Nutritious & Delicious Whole Supp Pancakes
Nutritious & Delicious Whole Supp Pancakes
Treat yourself to some nutritious and delicious Whole Supp pancakes 🤤
Mar 01, 2022• -- 1 minute read

Dr Brian talks to us about Micro vs. Macro Nutrients
Have you heard of anyone “Counting their Macros”? - Ever wondered what the difference is between micronutrients and macronutrients, and how you bal...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 2 minute read

Considering switching to a plant-based diet?
Everyone has their own reasons and motivations for adopting a plant-based diet. From personal health to animal rights to environmental concerns, ev...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 3 minute read

Banana Whole Supp Muffins
1 Scoop of vanilla Whole Supp - Smart FoodÂ
1 Cup of blended oats
1 Tsp of baking powderÂ
1 Tsp of cinnamon
3 Ripe bananas
100mls oat ...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 1 minute read

Building a good morning routine for you
A good morning routine can really set the productivity tone for the rest of the day. Some days you will wake at 5am, exercise, meditate, set goals ...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 3 minute read

Energy Balls
1/2 cups oats
1/2 cup of vanilla Whole Supp
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1/2 cup smooth natural peanut b...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 1 minute read

Peanut Butter Cup Bars
1/2 Cup of peanut butter
1 Scoop of chocolate Whole Supp - Smart FoodÂ
200g of vegan chocolate
Pinch of salt
Prepare a ...
May 18, 2021• -- 1 minute read