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Going Plant Based - easy steps

Going Plant Based 🌱

Going Plant Based 🌱

The Hows & Whys of Going Plant-Based

Are you interested in the benefits a plant-based diet can have for you and the planet? Why should you consider going plant based and where should you start? Are you concerned about where to get essential nutrients such as protein, healthy fats and vitamins on a plant-based diet? Here at Whole Supp we can guide you in the right direction towards answering each of these questions with the benefits of doing so for you and the environment in mind.

Why should you consider going plant based?

When considering a plant based diet, it is important to note that going plant-based can not only benefit our bodies but also our planet. Raising livestock as a food source costs a lot of energy, there are a number of reasons for this, including: it takes long periods of time to raise animals, animals consume an estimated 700 million tons of food per year that could be consumed by humans, and meat takes a long time to be processed before it reaches your kitchen table. It is estimated that it takes 100 to 200 times more water to raise a pound of beef than it does to grow a pound of plant foods. The amount of water that would be conserved if only a handful of people worldwide changed to a plant-based diet every week could make a real difference.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (2), the ongoing rise in population means that the current level of consumption of meat and dairy products worldwide is simply unsustainable. The UN suggests that a global shift towards a vegan diet is pivotal in saving the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change. Whole Supp can help each and every one of you with this shift - just two scoops of our powder, a drop of plant-based milk, a quick shake, and you’re on your way with a wholesome plant based meal in the palm of your hand.

There are ongoing concerns from the World Health Organisation (3) surrounding the effects that processed meat can have on our health. Switching to a plant-based diet can allow you to become more creative in your cooking and expose your body to the full range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our world full of colourful fruit & veg have to offer. Numerous plant based sources of food are linked to reduced inflammation, lower LDL (or ‘bad’) cholesterol, improvements in gut health, reduced risk of heart disease - the list truly goes on and on.

Steps towards going plant-based!

Okay, so you like the sound of a plant-based diet and the benefits it can provide for you and the planet. The next thought that may be looming in your mind is that going plant-based with your diet seems like a rather large and daunting goal, but as is the case with creating any habit the key is to start small and develop micro-habits (4) as author James Clear outlines in his book ‘Atomic Habits’. Begin by simply replacing one meal with a plant based alternative once a week. Following this change, then incorporate this strategy two, three and four times a week - Whole Supp’s meal replacement powder can be a real help in these early days as you learn more about vegan recipes and ingredients. Then from there dedicate one specific day per week as a plant-based day. Continue this strategy until you are plant-based from Monday - Friday, and then before long you will be a true plant powered being!

How to overcome the key nutrient challenges associated with going plant-based!

If you’ve decided that going plant-based isn’t as daunting as it first seemed with the use of habit building over time, but you’re now starting to worry about obtaining essential nutrients from plant-based products, then fear no more - Whole Supp has the answers you need! While plant-based diets can be a great way to improve your health, there are certain nutrients that can be difficult to find. The most common concern is surrounding protein intake on a plant-based diet and the quality of this protein. The key to obtaining a full profile of amino acids from plant based protein is to use multiple sources of protein across your daily intake (5). In just one serving of Whole Supp you will gain 31g of protein from two sources - pea and brown rice. These are just two of the many options that are out there to power your plant-based muscles.

Another concern of those considering a plant-based diet is the consumption of enough healthy fats. Healthy fats are essential as part of a healthy and balanced diet and they can help your body to absorb vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin D, as well as regulate hormone levels and blood pressure. An example of a source of healthy fats are nuts such as Brazil nuts, cashews or macadamia nuts - these all contain high levels of unsaturated fats which may help lower cholesterol levels. Other common examples include avocado, which are a strong source of monounsaturated fat & chia seeds, which are a great source of omega-3 as well as fibre and protein (6). 

If you’re worried about obtaining enough micro-nutrients from plant-based food sources, then give incorporating the checklist below into your daily routine a go when making your food choices. This checklist will allow you to go a long way towards ensuring you gain your daily dose of essential vitamins & minerals. Whole Supp includes 20% of your daily recommended vitamins in just one serving, so it’s a no-brainer to include our plant powered powder on this list.

The final essential part of any plant-based diet is ensuring you consume enough fibre and utilise a few different sources of healthy carbohydrates. Some fibre-rich foods that I have already mentioned include peas, avocado, brown rice & chia seeds. Other incredibly fibrous plant-based foods are: lentils with a whopping 16g of fibre in one cup, black beans with 15g of fibre in one cup, prunes and corn with 12g of fibre in one cup of each - and these are just examples at the top of the fibre content spectrum (7). Another great source of fibre is one serving of our Whole Supp powder, which contains 7g of fibre in every meal. 

Now, the final piece of the puzzle - healthy carbs. The key to incorporating carbs into your plant-based diet is to consume whole fruits, whole grains and vegetables (8). Fruits such as apples, kiwi, pineapples or berries all give you a natural source of sugar as energy. Whole grains such as oats, brown rice or quinoa are complex carbs and they can be utilised for more slow releasing energy that keep you fuller for longer. Lastly, veggies (both starchy and non-starchy) are key to gaining essential nutrients and fibre. Starchy veg such as potatoes or peas contain more carbs and calories when compared to non-starchy veg such as leafy greens - it’s important to get a good mix of both of these types of vegetables in your diet in order to obtain all essential nutrients.

Wrapping things up

All things considered, a global shift towards a plant-based diet - even for just one day per week - could make a huge difference in the fate of our planet. Not only is a plant-based diet beneficial for your health, but it is also a very achievable lifestyle change. All key nutrients can be easily obtained on a plant-based diet, you just have to know the right sources - as highlighted above, there’s definitely a lot of great sources! If you have any more questions about going-plant based, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Whole Supp across any of our social channels - we’re always delighted to help and engage with our community. So, going forward let’s all make an extra effort to power our bodies and our futures with plants!


    1. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/9-reasons-why-veganism-can-save-the-world/ 
    2. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/jun/02/un-report-meat-free-diet 
    3. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/26/health/meat-cancer-who-report.html
    4. https://jamesclear.com/habits
    5. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cawh_LRDFJh/
    6. https://allplants.com/blog/lifestyle/healthy-fats-for-vegans
    7. https://thebeet.com/the-20-best-sources-of-fiber-your-diets-unsung-hero/
    8. https://www.onpoint-nutrition.com/blog/best-carbohydrates-vegan-diet 

    Mar 15, 2022• Posted by Darren O’Reilly

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