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Whole Supp Blog

We work with leading experts in the fields of nutrition, science, medicine, and wellness to develop our Smart Food Formulation.

Whole Supp compared to yfood
Whole Supp compared to yfood
Whole Supp compared yfood  Whole Supp and yfood are two brands which aim to provide a nutritious meal replacement which is affordable and has a low im
May 31, 2022• -- 2 minute read
The Super-Green Powers of Spinach
The Super-Green Powers of Spinach
  A key ingredient in our Smart Food formulation is the “super green” spinach. Spinach is not only a fantastic source of minerals such as iron &...
May 17, 2022• -- 2 minute read
The Magic of Montmorency Cherries
The Magic of Montmorency Cherries
One of the key ingredients in our Smart Food formulation is Montmorency Cherry (or Tart Cherry) Extract. These sour cherries originate in Montmoren...
Apr 15, 2022• -- 3 minute read
The Powerful Health Benefits of Broccoli
The Powerful Health Benefits of Broccoli
The inclusion of broccoli in our Smart Food formulation was an easy choice for us at Whole Supp. There is a wealth of powerful antioxidant compounds w
Mar 24, 2022• -- 3 minute read
Sleep Stages
Sleep Stages
Understand your sleep cycle and the benefits of each step
Mar 18, 2022• -- 3 minute read
Going Plant Based - easy steps
Going Plant Based 🌱
The Hows & Whys of Going Plant-Based - Are you interested in the benefits a plant-based diet can have for you and the planet? Why should you cons
Mar 15, 2022• -- 6 minute read
Nutritious & Delicious Whole Supp Pancakes
Nutritious & Delicious Whole Supp Pancakes
Nutritious & Delicious Whole Supp Pancakes Treat yourself to some nutritious and delicious  Whole Supp pancakes 🤤
Mar 01, 2022• -- 1 minute read
Dr Brian talks to us about Micro vs. Macro Nutrients
Dr Brian talks to us about Micro vs. Macro Nutrients
Have you heard of anyone “Counting their Macros”? - Ever wondered what the difference is between micronutrients and macronutrients, and how you bal...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 2 minute read
Considering switching to a plant-based diet?
Considering switching to a plant-based diet?
Everyone has their own reasons and motivations for adopting a plant-based diet. From personal health to animal rights to environmental concerns, ev...
Jul 21, 2021• -- 3 minute read

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