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Can a meal shake help with weight loss?

Can a meal shake help with weight loss?

Can a meal shake help with weight loss?

If you look up weight loss and meal shakes all you'll find is calorie control. A focus on calories in and out, that leads to an unhealthy and unsustainable approach to weight loss.

A meal shake like Whole Supp can help you lose weight, over 50% of our customers use it with weight loss as a goal. But, it is about changing your mindset and approach. This not only makes it more enjoyable and healthier for you long-term.

Don't try to cut a huge amount of calories

The original meal shake for weight loss, SlimFast, has a diet plan involves eating two meal shakes or bars, three healthy snacks and one self-prepared, 500-calorie meal for a total of about 1,200 calories daily. The idea being, that this leads to a calorie deficit to support weight loss.

The reality is such a sharp cut in calories will often result in:

  • Hunger that may lead to bing eating
  • A slowing down of your metabolism
  • Weight gain the minute you increase your calories again

You are much better off decreasing the drop in calories and instead focusing on the type of calories you are getting in.

Focus on what the calories are

The Slimfast might work in cutting calories but each shake has 18g of sugar, which is 36g per day assuming there is 0g in your other three snacks and 500-calorie meal (very unlikely). This is already well above the maximum of 30g of sugar a day recommended by the NHS.

We need to get out of the unfun calorie counting mode and instead focus on feeling full and nourished with healthy calories. This means consuming balanced macros:

Healthy fats, high protein and slow-release carbs (oats, brown rice) will all keep you full much longer and also give you sustainable energy making you less likely to give into sugar cravings. 

When you consume a meal shake like Whole Supp, you get this and also only 2g of sugar. 

Thanks to the high fibre and slow-releasing carbs you should stay full for 4-6 hours, meaning you are less likely to give into unhealthy snacks between meals.

Use the meal shake for your toughest meal or moment of the day

Part of the reason we can struggle to loose weight is because of our busy lifestyle. Whilst we recommend a food first approach, we also appreciate this is hard when you are trying to juggle it all.

Try to work out when you eat the unhealthiest in a day and use a meal shake for that meal.

Having a meal ready in 30 seconds in that moment will help make it easier to choose the healthy option. With 13 superfoods Whole Supp is an ideal shake to get your nutritions in quickly. 

There are other considerations as to when to consume a meal shake, e.g. if you are struggling with the energy to workout, you might be better off consuming it just before a workout.

Don't stop enjoying food

A meal shake will only help you lose weight if you also enjoy it. If you are dreading it, you'll choose an alternative unhealthier but tastier option.

We've worked hard on our flavour. Our community often reaches out to tell us how much they love the texture and taste of Whole Supp when they struggle to stomach other meal shakes.

Just started taking the vanilla flavored shake everyday and it tastes amazing! The shake is very smooth and a lot nicer than the other shakes I have taken before. I feel like I have more energy using Whole Supp shakes. Bailey Wilson - Verified Customer

Why does Whole Supp have a better taste and texture?

  • Whole Supp is formulated with 13 superfoods
  • High-quality natural vanilla beans and 100% Cacao are used to flavor it, ensuring that it doesn’t have an artificial flavor
  • Minimum sucralose is used; it is Whole Supp lowest listed ingredient
  • Whole Supp does not use maltodextrin, cellulose gel, artificial flavor, lecithin, acesulfame potassium, aspartame. All of which impact taste and mouthfeel (texture).

You can also mix in your favourite fruits to mix up the flavour, mix in frozen fruit for a milkshake like texture and taste

Meal shakes can be the start of other healthy habits

At Whole Supp we believe the best way to support a healthy weight is to ensure you are getting complete nutrition combined with a healthy lifestyle:

  • Being active
  • Good hydration
  • Enough sleep

These sound simple, but let's all be honest they are hard. When you free up time with a meal shake and also start noticing more energy.

Whole Supp is made with 13 superfoods:

Sustainably sourced red sea Algae, Organic Cherries, Broccoli, Beetroot Juice, Spinach, Pea Portion, Rice Portion, Gluten-Free Ground Oats, Sunflower, flaxseed, coconut, MTC Oils, 100% Vanilla Bean or Cacao Powder,

These are rich in antioxidants that help you recover faster from a busy day or workout and support your energy.

The end result is that if you consistently take 1 a day for a few weeks you'll start naturally picking up and improving these other habits step-by-step. 

Can a meal shake help with weight loss?

Which brings us back to our original question. The answer is overall yes, you can use a meal shake like Whole Supp to support your weight and lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, as many of our customers do. But, the only way it works is if:

  • You don't go for a huge calorie deficit 
  • You use a shake that is low in sugar but high in protein, fibre and slow-release carbohydrates 
  • That tastes good so you'll enjoy it and want to take it 
  • You combine it with other healthy habits 

It isn't a quick fix, but done right it can help you consume more high-quality nutrients to start living a more healthy life. a food first approach to healthy eating. But if weight loss is the goal, Whole Supp can be used as a controlled way to watch your calorie intake, whilst getting valuable, quality nutrition.

Get 12 meals and a premium metal shaker for just £39.99/€46.99 (save 31%) to try out Whole Supp on-the-go to support your weight loss journey. 

Sep 06, 2024• Posted by Darren O’Reilly

Further reading

What is a Meal Shake?
Meal shakes have gained massive popularity in recent years, becoming a go-to option for people looking for convenient and balanced nutrition. But wha
Feb 28, 2025• 4 minute read
Mindful eating: A science backed approach to a healthier relationship with food
In today’s fast-paced world, eating has become a rushed and often mindless activity. We snack while scrolling through our phones, eat meals in front o
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How to make lasting dietary changes
Changing your eating habits isn’t just about willpower, it’s about understanding how behaviour change works and setting yourself up for success. At Wh
Feb 28, 2025• 4 minute read

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