Eating a veg-forward diet in 2023 will change your life and the world; here's how.
The pressure to start a healthy lifestyle in January can be overwhelming. We get it.
The idea of eating broccoli every day doesn't sound exciting right now. We get it.
Veganuary can be intimidating. We get it.
We're here to make it easier and more delicious so that you and 1 million others in the UK and Ireland can see the benefits for yourself! The benefits of eating a plant-forward diet are plentiful. It's no secret that plant-based foods have considerably less impact on the environment when compared to meat. Meat production accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production; a staggering thought. The good news is: it's absolutely possible to get all of your essential nutrients through plant-based sources if you eat a wide variety of plants. The idea of range and variety can be intimidating and that's where Whole Supp comes in. Made entirely from plants such as broccoli, coconut, peas & brown rice, Whole Supp has been developed to provide you with over 30 easily absorbable vitamins and minerals and over 30g of protein in each serving making it the ultimate plant-based solution for busy people. Integrate more plants into your diet, starting today. Your body and the planet will thank you! 
Jan 03, 2023• Posted by Darren O’Reilly